In 2021, Quebecers Nicolas Roulx and Guillaume Moreau accomplished what no one had ever attempted before: to cross Canada along the North-South axis, strictly by human power. Setting out from the country's most northerly island, they skied, canoed and cycled for 234 days, covering 7,600 km. In 2024, Nicolas Roulx did it again with his friend Catherine Chagnon, crossing the country in the opposite direction, via the Great North, from Alaska to Baffin, over 6,900 km. A total of 140 days by bike, canoe, sailboat and on foot. These unique journeys, punctuated by blizzards, polar bears, animal attacks, broken equipment, serious injuries, fear and doubt, rank among the longest wilderness expeditions in Canadian history. But beyond the physical accomplishment of such projects, it's above all the meticulous preparation that occupies the mind years before departure. When you're gambling with your life, nothing can be left to chance. The members of AKOR expeditions will tell you about everything that lies between the embryonic dream and the day of departure, while recounting snippets of expedition stories that are sometimes funny, sometimes dramatic!